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for Emergency Crews AC/DC

 low cost meter1

Features Include:

  • Ranges 0-2kV, 0-25kV, 0-50kV, 0-100kV AC/DC
  • Other Voltages Ranges Available
  • 60 to 250kV Impulse Test Level
  • Collapsible Hot Sticks.
  • AC or DC Voltage Source HV Meter Tester
  • Heavy Duty Grounding Clamp
  • Water Resistant Illumination
  • Battery Test Button
  • Audible & Visible Voltage Presence Warning above 40kV
  • Heavy Duty Carrying Case


T­­hese Hi-Z® HV Safety Voltmeters are for Power Lines, Electric Cars, Electric Trolley and other High Voltage AC & DC detection and measurement. Emergency Crews can use these voltmeters to detect voltage presence warning. They will accurately measure AC and DC voltages.

The anolog meter does not require a battery and does not have warning indicators.

The high accuracy digital meter with 9 volt battery can have both visual flashing light and audible alarm as a voltage presence warning above 40 volts. It may contain a multi-position range switch to select the appropriate working range. It can be  supplied with a test voltage source to check meter operation and up to 15ft. collapsible insulated hotstick handle. The digital meter’s insulated handle can be provided with a hook which can be used to safely move high voltage wires or drag objects out of danger. The digital meter’s battery can last several years. Optional kit comes complete with a metal carrying case for easy storage and portability, collapsible hot sticks, elbow adapters, hooks, etc.

Specifications are for reference only and are subject to change.
Contact Ross Engineering Corp. for current information.