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E Series Multipole 12kV-60kV


Typical E Series Multipole
Model E40-3PNO-40-

eseriesmodel4E Series Multipole 12kV-60kV
The E Series Multipole High Voltage Relays are designed for high voltage applications where multiple poles are required. These air insulated relays are constructed using fire retardant, moisture sealed anti-tracking epoxy glass laminate of the highest quality. Environment resistant materials are standard throughout to increase its long-life, rugged characteristics.

Applications for these relays include: tap or load selection, transfer, safety grounding, and shorting. Also, they can be used for any low or high power application where multiple poles are required. These units can be used in air, or in oil at twice it's voltage rating, or in other insulating mediums and is designed to be mounted base down. They can also be used in other positions if specified. Other HV ratings and multiple pole HV relays such as the ET Series are also available.

Specifications are for reference only and are subject to change.
Contact Ross Engineering Corp. for current information.

High Voltage Relays